This book was sent to me by Victoria Chatham to give my honest review. This is the third book in the Those Regency Belles series.
Book Information
Title: Phoebe Fisher
Author: Victoria Chatham
Publisher: Books We Love Publishing Inc.
Publication Date: 2022
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9780228622468
Book Summary

Her fortune attracts many suitors, but when they discover Phoebe Fisher’s one notable and outstanding flaw, they depart as quickly as they arrive. Phoebe despairs ever finding someone who will love her just as she is.
Returning to his family home after an absence of ten years, Andrew Fitzgibbon is devastated to find his only relative deceased, the house derelict and the estate almost bankrupt. Without the funds to support it, the title he inherits is worthless. He needs a fortune. Phoebe has one. Reluctant to offer marriage to a young lady simply for her wealth, Andrew finds her intriguing and suggests a solution that might suit them both.
Phoebe agrees, but Andrew’s past may cloud their new life together. Will it make or break them? Will their marriage of convenience become a love match, or will Phoebe never know what it is to love and be loved?
Book Review
*As always with these reviews, I really try to avoid spoilers while still explaining why the book deserves to be read.*
This story begins with Andrew Fitzgibbon returning home to find that his inherited estate was in disrepair. He heads to see Mr. Baldwin (lawyer) to see just how bad things are for the estate. On the way to the lawyer's office, he crosses paths with Phoebe Fisher. While at the office Mr. Baldwin mentions that he should marry an heiress in order to fix up his estate since he didn't have the funds readily available. While he doesn't want to marry someone for money, he finds out about the dowry that Phoebe's father is offering and decides that he wants to meet her. It helped that he was attracted to her.
Phoebe and Andrew meet & he is completely honest with her about why they should marry. Phoebe from experience knows that is why most men want to marry her but that as soon as he sees her "flaw" he will run for the hills. However, when he does see her "flaw" he simply calls it "extraordinary". Phoebe by the end of Andrew's visit seems to really like him. Phoebe and Andrew marry and immediately begin working on his estate. Andrew by this point seems really stressed out something that he is keeping from Phoebe. The story progresses as more staff are hired, and more work is done on the estate. As I don't want to spoil anything, that is all I will say about the storyline itself.
The way the story ends is amazing. Phoebe and Andrew confess their love for each other, and Phoebe's dream of having someone who loves her just as she is comes true.
"I have from the day you removed your spectacles. Your bravery in revealing what you believed was a flaw, and then considering my outrageous proposal, astounded me. How could I not love you? -- Andrew to Phoebe, pg 303.
The love story between Phoebe and Andrew is really cute to "watch". You can tell that after the wedding Phoebe is really falling for Andrew and is hoping that he is falling for her as well. I really love the amount of secrets & mystery in this book. I really love Victoria Chatham's writing style as well as the way that she entwines romance and mystery to create an engaging story. Phoebe and Andrew are perfect for each other and the way that their romance evolves over the course of the story really shows how their relationship grew into something more. I really loved seeing a character who had a different "flaw" them I have normally seen in these historical romance books. This book was an amazing rendition of a time in history that I really don't know that much about but reading the Those Regency Belles series really makes me want to know more about the time period. I highly recommend that you give his book (as well as the series) a read.
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