Hello, 2023!
In today's post, I will be reviewing 2022 both from my personal life as well as from a blog view. Some things that I am going to touch on are already well-known but I find that having a written review at the end of the year is a good way to leave the bad in the past year and focus on the future while learning from the past.
This year has been quite a whirlwind for me both personally and blog-wise.
Personally, the year started off well with the excitement of moving starting to hit, and that followed for the months leading up to when I was going to move. July came and I was still excited but really started thinking was this the right decision for me.
On July 27th, I flew with my sister from Prince George to Vancouver. When we arrived in Vancouver we had to race to our gate to catch our flight to Toronto as we left Prince George I believe 3 hours late. The flight from Vancouver was roughly 6 hours, we arrived after 2 am. In Toronto, we had a 6-hour layover before the flight to Charlottetown this was a 3-hour flight. When we arrived in Charlottetown the girl that I was going to be living with, her father came and picked us up from the airport & took us to the house.
My sister and I spent the next few days exploring, and we spent time with my "roommate" as well. As my roommate couldn't drive at the time we visited, I drove us to Greenwich Dunes, on the north side of the island. It was so much fun to go for a drive and my sister even went swimming in the Atlantic Ocean. My sister and I even took the bus into town and simply explored, we walked along the waterfront and also walked downtown & did some shopping. We even got the see a really cool church.
My sister was going to be leaving on August 3rd and by the 1st or 2nd, I had come to the realization that Charlottetown was not where I was supposed to be. My sister helped me pack up what I had unpacked and I phoned my parents to get some reassurance that I was making the right decision. I needed that little nudge I guess you could say just so I knew that I wasn't completely screwing something up. I booked a flight home that day. My sister left on the 3rd and on that day I went to the post office to send off some of the boxes that I had sent ahead before I left and resent them home.
On the 4th my "roommate" took me to Point Prim Lighthouse or rather I drove us (haha). It was really pretty and I'm glad that I got to see it before I left. I flew out of Charlottetown on Aug 5th at 11 am and I arrived home that same night at 7:30 pm. I flew alone which was a huge accomplishment for me. I was happy to be home but at the same time, I felt like a bit of a failure for the first few weeks that I was home.
Mentally I was not in a good place until probably October when I really took control and tried to make changes to help myself. At the same time, I had been having issues with my ankle as I had sprained it back in July and it was still really painful. I finally went to the doctor and had to get x-rays as well as start physio. I ended up needing to get a boot on my foot and it has been on since Oct 31st. I have been spending my time reading, painting (which I have shared a few on Instagram), playing video games, and working on my blog. I literally can't do much else because of how much pain I am in because of my foot and now my hips are out of place as well so trying to keep stretched has also been a struggle. I recently purchased a few books that I highly recommend, they are self-help books. If you would like the names of them let me know.
As December comes to a close I found it really therapeutic to reflect on the past year as well as thinking about the year to come. Writing things down has helped me tremendously in the last 2 months so I plan on continuing to do that in the next year.
I am really thankful that I took that trip to PEI. I proved to myself that I could travel alone if I wanted to, this was a big thing for me. I made a new friend that I hope stays in my life for years to come, I truly think that even though I wasn't meant to move we were meant to meet and be in each other's lives. I am grateful for my amazing parents and sister who stood by at the highs and helped me at the lows. They are the only reason that I really kept going when I had my bad days and they were who I wanted to spend my good days with. My life would look really different without them in it.
From January until August I didn't work a lot on my blog except to do the twice-weekly posts. On August 31st I took the plunge and purchased my domain. Although I still haven't been that active on my website, I will be doing more in the new year with many little changes coming to my blog.
On the same side as this, I stopped filming videos for quite a while and finally started posting again in I think September. I want to really work on that next year.
Social Media wise I think I have done okay. Both Instagram and Facebook have been doing okay. Facebook posts automatically Monday through Friday, and on Instagram I have an app that helps me keep track of those posts.
I have 3 personal resolutions as well as 4 for simply the blog side of things.
Personal Resolutions
Focus on my health - both mental and physical
Save Money - 52-week Saving Challenge
Read More - I want to surpass my reading goal this year. I kept changing it to less books last year and I want to actually surpass it this year.
Blog Resolutions
More Active - Be more active on my blog as well as social media, and bring Pinterest back.
Videos - I really want to get on a schedule for videos and try to actually stick to it.
Store - This is not so much a resolution but something that I really want to look into, I need to see what the costs would be and what kind of things I could actually sell.
Focus on the Blog Posts that I am putting out.
What are your resolutions for the new year? How did your 2022 go?
I don't know what the next year is going to bring but I can't wait to find out.
