Today's post is going to be a shorter one. As I took the last week off I have been really focusing on my schooling and also taking the time to do things that I enjoy. That includes reading, creating printables for myself (as well as sharing them) as well as really working on Facebook and Instagram as well. This post will be rather boring as I am trying to get back into doing posts and they will be better by next week. I needed to take time for myself this last little while so posts have been lacking and I want to work on that.
I just wanted to share the printables that I have created in the last week, even though I will not be sharing photos of them.
I have created a couple of different printables before but they were really super simple and I used word to create them. I have since been playing with Canva a lot and have created 5 printables recently:
1) Grocery List; divided into 9 different sections
2) Weekly Dinner Plan; this is simply because I don't plan my lunches or breakfasts as I am not working currently and just eat whatever for those meals.
3) Cleaning Schedule; this is just something that I thought was really cool as it helps with my cleaning of just my room and bathroom without me feeling completely overwhelmed.
4) Monthly Budget Tracker; with non-essential and essential expenses, plus income, and a savings goal.
5) Weekly Habits Tracker; I have recently started really tracking some of my good habits trying to make sure that I force myself to do them every day.
Now, these printables I am currently not sharing but I am open to the possibility of creating a digital store for them but I am not sure yet. Let me know if you are interested at all and I will decide after that.
If you are looking for freebies then check out the desktop wallpapers that I have available on the freebies page (you must have the password to access them).
