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Writer's pictureTheresa Wilson

Share My Space

Updated: Dec 29, 2022

So for today's post my original plan was to have a video up to share but due to me not being prepared that is just not going to happen so I decided to make this post with photos instead. If you are interested in seeing a video where I share my space or you want to know more about certain aspects of my space please just let me know in the comments below.


So this first photo is the immediate view as you walk into my room. My bed has become my desk in the last few weeks because I can't sit at my desk unfortunately due to stomach issues. I purchased the lap desk at Winner/Home Sense here in Prince George. The red blob on my bed is a giant stuffed lobster that I got a a cruise to Alaska back in 2010. Obviously you can see that I have a smaller bookcase and it is overflowing with books; the rows are 2 deep and stacked to the top. I also have my printer set up on this bookcase.

For this second photo you can see my dresser as well as my nightstand. My dresser is a mess on top and usually ends up being a catch all, my nightstand does as well. The hexagon shelf on my wall holds all of my essential oils for my diffuser.

You can see that I have another bookcase in my room as well and this one is also overflowing. I have stacks 2 deep on some shelves and others are somewhat organized. By my definition of organized anyway.

So this is my other nightstand that I had beside my door. This nightstand is basically a catch all and I tend to put my purse and any other bags onto this nightstand when I get home. I also have a key holder as I call it set up there to hang my masks and keys on. My calendar is above this nightstand.

Now we are into my closet. I have set up my desk in my closet because it is the perfect spot for it. I have my magnet board in my closet as well. I haven't been able to use my desk for a while because I can't sit comfortably on my chair.

My closet organizer takes up the rest of the space in my closet. I also have two shelves, above my desk and then above the closet organizer. My clothes don't tend to be organized very well but I know where everything is at least. The has a tub full of stuff and then I stack stuff on top; so that area is definitely not organized at all.


Hope you enjoyed today's look into my space. I will see you next time :)


Don't forget the giveaway opens tomorrow so make sure you head over and enter.


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